Sunday 2 February 2014

Welcome to GCSE Media Studies

First of all, let me welcome you to your site...we will be able to use this blog to communicate information relating to the course. To access the blog, users will need to create a gmail account which is free to do.

Last week you all received a letter advising you that we were changing the media studies course that we are following, from BTEC to GCSE. There are several reasons for this, but the main thing to note is that you, as the learner, will note little difference in terms of the work you are currently doing...the difference comes in the options we have to choose which topics we follow. In addition, rather than two external exams, there is only one exam to take at the end of the course and this is based on pre-released materials which you will see prior to the exam.
So, it's time to get started!

Good Luck!